Recently, all Oakdale students in 1st -5th grades completed their iReady diagnostic. This diagnostic gives us an idea of how our students are doing midway through the school year in Math and reading. Although most students gave 100% effort, some do admit to not giving their best. Even so, we are seeing some great growth in both reading and math. In reading, we saw an increase of 14% more students scoring at or above grade level, and a decrease of 13% of our students scoring 2 or more years below grade level. In Math, we saw an increase of 13% more students scoring at or above grade level, and a decrease of 20% fewer students scoring 2 or more years below grade level. This is all evidence of the hard work students and staff is putting into their learning. Continuing to hold at this rate would ensure that our students make significant gains in both reading and math on the state test coming up in April. Here are a few of the reasons, I believe, we are seeing such good results;
Dedicated teachers, and all support staff
One-on-one small group counseling
Classroom community building circles
Restorative circles
Restorative chats
Student wellness center for students to go to when they are feeling a bit overwhelmed
Positive Behavior Intervention systems
Dedicated staff to help counteract bullying
Social Emotional Lessons weekly in the classrooms to help students learn how to handle adversity
Intensive pull-out intervention for students 2 or more years below grade level in reading and math
In-class reading and math intervention for students one year below grade level
A couple of things Parents can do to help their children;
Get involved in PTO, and school committees, such as ELAC, DLAC, School-Site-Council, LCAP, volunteering, and Positive communication with teachers to show that you value your child's education (many do a great job with this)
Reading 20 minutes each night
Practicing Math facts for 5-10 minutes each night.
It is a team effort to help students perform at their best. One of the biggest influences on students' success is parent involvement. This is why the State requires schools to do what they can to get parents involved and gather parent input. You all know your children best.