Public Notice:
Notice is hereby given that Oroville City Elementary School District of the County of Butte, State of California will receive sealed bids for the Central Middle School Road Widening Project. The project consists of installing asphalt in depressed/deteriorated areas of existing asphalt with 3-inches of compacted thickness over 3 inches of aggregate, expanding portions of the roadway approximately 6 feet, and the construction of an adjacent sidewalk with 4 inch curb with variable reveal as indicated in the provided plan set. Additionally, a fence line will be installed along the entire roadway, connecting to the existing fence at both ends, with two gates, each a minimum of 8 feet in width. To bid on this Project, the Bidder is required to possess one or more of the following State of California contractors’ license(s): A & B. Electronic copies of the Contract Documents will be available on or after March 27, 2025, from the office of Northstar, 111 Mission Ranch Blvd Suite 100, Chico CA 95926. Make requests to Kemery@northstareng.com with a subject heading of “OCESD Central Middle School Road Widening Project Request”. A mandatory pre-bid conference and site visit will be held on April 10, 2025, at 10 a.m. in front of the office for Central Middle School, 2565 Mesa Ave, Oroville, California, 95966.Additional requests for information shall be given no less than seven (7) calendar days prior to sealed bid due date. In addition, Contract Documents are available for bidders’ review at the following builders’ exchanges: Builder’s Exchange of “Valley Contractors Exchange” County (530)343-1981 www.vceonline.com
Sealed bids will be received up to and no later than 1 p.m., May 1, 2025, at the District Business Office, 2795 Yard Street, Oroville, California 95966, at or after which time the bids will be opened and publicly read aloud. Any bid that is submitted after this time shall be nonresponsive and returned to the bidder. Any claim by a bidder of error in its bid must be made in compliance with section 5100 et seq. of the Public Contract Code. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or waive any irregularity in any bid received.

Handsome, public-facing banners are installed at each of the seven outstanding OCESD schools!

More new banners are popping up around the OCESD schools!

Wonderful, new community-facing banners are going up all around OCESD's seven schools. Check out the installation at Wyandotte Academy!

Notice of Public Auction
2001 GMC Savana Compact School Bus
• 160,059 Miles • Diesel Engine • Fair Condition • Bus ran when parked in 2019
• Reserve of $500
Please include your name and phone number on your sealed bid. Bids are to be received at the OCESD District Office, 2795 Yard Street, Oroville no later than 4:00 PM on March 28, 2025. To view the vehicle, meet in the front parking lot of Briggs Firestone in Oroville on March 27, 2025, between 10:00 – 10:45 AM. The highest bidder will be contacted by phone on March 31, 2025. Form of payment accepted:
cashier's check made out to Oroville Elementary School District.

Oroville Elementary School District is offering a great opportunity to engage in a conversation about the impact of screens on both kids and adults. Screenagers is a film that dives into how excessive screen time can affect children’s development, social life, and mental well-being. It’s a valuable way for families and communities to come together and start meaningful discussions about balance in today’s digital age.
Please join us on February 26, 2025, at the State Theater in Downtown Oroville. Doors open at 5:15 and the film will begin at 5:45 pm.
Free admission and one raffle ticket per entry for prizes from local businesses. Look forward to seeing you there, hope you can attend.
Click here for more info: https://www.ocesd.net/page/screenagers

Save the Date: February 26, 2025
Oroville Elementary School District is offering a great opportunity to engage in a conversation about the impact of screens on both kids and adults. Screenagers is a film that dives into how excessive screen time can affect children’s development, social life, and mental well-being. It’s a valuable way for families and communities to come together and start meaningful discussions about balance in today’s digital age.
Please join us on February 26, 2025, at the State Theater in Downtown Oroville. Doors open at 5:15 and the film will begin at 5:45 pm.
Free admission and one raffle ticket per entry for prizes from local businesses. Look forward to seeing you there, hope you can attend.
Click here for more info: https://www.ocesd.net/page/screenagers

The Studios @ Central celebrated the Lunar New Year with a special performance!

Amazing opportunity: Full-time Office Manager at Ophir Elementary School
Apply today!

Great part-time employment opportunity for those looking to start a career in human resources: www.edjoin.org/Home/JobPosting/2032111
Apply today!

Over the Christmas break, new ceiling tiles and blinds were installed in the gym at The Studios @ Central.

The Sports Pavilion at The Studios @ Central is beginning to rise from the blacktop. A similar Sports Pavilion is also under construction at Ishi Hills Middle School. Funding for these projects is from our Expanded Learning Opportunities Program.

Over the holiday break, OCESD's food services staff prepared and distributed over 1,800 meals to OCESD students. The nutritious meals were greatly appreciated during a time of year when students do not typically have access to school meals. Great work OCESD Food Services staff!

Construction has begun on the footings for the covered outdoor sports pavilions at Ishi Hills Middle School and The Studios @ Central.
The steel structures were fabricated in Michigan and delivered via 14 semi-trucks so once the footings are ready, we can proceed with construction immediately.
The structures, in addition to new playground equipment and shade structures at our elementary schools, are being funded with Expanded Learning Opportunities Program funding.

Oroville City Elementary School District put a bond measure on this year's ballot to raise funds for much-needed facility improvements to our aging buildings and also to expand Ishi Hills Middle School to accommodate growth and inclusion of career technical education programs. This bond would have replaced our expiring bond from 20 years ago, so homeowner taxpayers would not see a tax increase, but an extension of the current taxes paid. OCESD would also use these funds to be able to access the State bond funding that did pass in this election, Proposition 2.
This school bond would require 55% of voter approval to pass. Our bond measure, Measure E, received 53.75% in support, just 135 votes shy of the 55.0% threshold to pass.
We are disappointed with the result but would like to thank all of the people and groups that helped support our bond measure. Though this is a setback for the district, this will not change our focus on providing the best possible education for thousands of students who live in the Oroville community every day.

The OCESD staff want to wish everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
We are grateful for all of our students, families and community partners.
Schools will be closed Nov 25-29. We look forward to seeing our students back in school on Monday, Dec 2.
Spencer Holtom Ed.D

Community Partner Announcement:
Discover Girl Scouts & Make New Friends! join us for a Girl Scout Meet & Greet
Calvary Lutheran Church, 10 Concordia Ln, Oroville, 95966
November 23rd, 1pm-2pm.
Girl Scouts are always up for new experiences—spotting owls on a night time hike, learning to cook with solar power, writing poetry, or even starting a business.
Sound like you? We want you in our crew. At Girl Scouts, you'll find a place to try new things, discover new talents, and most importantly, be fully, totally yourself. Join the Girl Scout community and get ready to make awesome memories with forever friends.
Our troops are led by adult volunteers, scan the QR code below to RSVP for a parent information session for the interested families in your community so we can get a new troop formed for the youth in your community right away!
Have questions or can’t wait to get started? Contact Jessika at jpunzor@gsnorcal.org or 530-528-8655
Scan the code to RSVP or visit

Minimum Day Wednesday!

An Urgent Message for OCESD Parents:
If your student rides bus route 12 or takes a bus past Kelly Ridge Road, please pick them up today at their school site at dismissal time. Our transportation team cannot take students on bus route 12 due to the Quincy Fire.

PUBLIC AUCTION: 1999 Chevrolet Express 3500 Cargo Van with 102,893 miles. This unit will be available for inspection on September 19, 2024 at 2858 Wyandotte Ave. from 10:00 to 10:30 AM. Sealed bids shall be received at the O.C.E.S.D. District Office located at 2795 Yard St. no later than 2:00 PM, September 20, 2024. The winning bid will be notified by phone Monday September 23, 2024. Cashiers check will be the only form of payment accepted.