School Site Council Meeting

The Studios @ Central Middle School

School Site Council Regular Meeting Agenda

October 25, 2023 (3:00 – 4:00 PM)

School Library


Vince Xiong

Barbara Clark

Karen Montana

Amber Whitehead

Kathi McCarthy

Sydney Maybee


Kacey Scott

Ong Thao

Julie Romero

Mathew Edgman

Valinda Wilkins

Nicole Gilbert

1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL (3:00 p.m.) 

2. ADJUSTMENT AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS (3:02 p.m.) Adjustments to the agenda items shall be approved by the Council at the beginning of each meeting. 

3. PUBLIC COMMENT Limit to two minutes per person and ten minutes per item listed in  the agenda (3:04 p.m.)  

This portion of the meeting is set aside for members of the public to address the School Site Council  regarding matters on agenda and non-agenda items within the School Site Council’s subject matter  jurisdiction. These presentations are limited to two (2) minutes per person and ten (10) minutes per item.  The School Site Council is not allowed to act on any items not on the agenda, except as authorized by  Government Code Section 54954.2. 

4. ACTION ITEM(S) (3:05 p.m.) 

4.1 Appointment of Officers 

Members will nominate and vote three members to serve in the following capacity: 

1. Chair 

2. Vice-chair 

3. Secretary 


5.1 Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Plan (5 Minutes) 

Discuss and approve the updated CSI Plan to be included in the SPSA Plan. 

5.2 The Studios @ Central Middle School Site Council Bylaws (5 Minutes) Review and approved school site council bylaws. 

6. DISCUSSION ITEMS (3:20 p.m.)  

6.1 2023-24 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) (10 Minutes) Review and provide an update on the SPSA Plan. 

6.2 2023-24 LCAP (10 Minutes) 

Review of the 2023-24 LCAP and it’s Alignment to the SPSA.


Barbara Clark 

Karen Montana 

Amber Whitehead Kathi McCarthy 

Sydney Maybee 

The Studios @ Central Middle School 

School Site Council Regular Meeting Agenda 

October 25, 2023 (3:00 – 4:00 PM) 

School Library 


Kacey Scott 

Ong Thao 

Julie Romero 

Mathew Edgman 

Valinda Wilkins 

Nicole Gilbert 

*Supporting materials will be distributed at the meeting. 

6.3 2023-24 School Site Council Meeting Dates (5 Minutes) 

Go over proposed meeting dates for the 2023-24 school year. 


7.1 Principal Report on Enrollment, Attendance, and Achievement  

7.1.1 Scholar Enrollment and Attendance  

7.1.2 Scholar Achievement Data 

a. 2022-23 CAASPP Summative Assessment 

a. ELA 

b. Math 

c. CAST 

b. 2022-23 ELPAC Summative Assessment  

c. Beginning of Year i-Ready Assessment 

d. Quarter One Grades 

7.1.3 Next Steps 

7.2 Items for next Regular Meeting (2 minutes)- All Members 

8. ADJOURN (4:00 p.m.) 

NOTE: If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or  services, to participate in the public meeting, please contact Principal Vince Xiong (530) 532-3002 at  least 48 hours before the scheduled School Site Council meeting so we may make every reasonable effort  to accommodate you. [Government Code § 54954.2; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, § 202 (42  U.S.C. §12132)]
