After School Program

BCOE After School Program at The Studios @ Central 

The Studios @ Central is in partnership with Butte County Office of Education- Expanded Learning Programs to provide after-school programming to students. The program provides the opportunity for students to participate in academic assistance and enrichment activities in a safe and supportive environment. The program starts when the final bell rings and remains open until 6:oo pm. The program is offered every day that school is in session; serving students in grades 5th-8th. If you are interested in enrolling your student in the program, registration forms are available at the school office or from the After School Program Site Coordinator. 

For more information regarding the program, contact Angy Carrillo Lopez- Site Coordinator at 530-990-6406 or by email:

Sample Schedule- Regular Day

2:30- 2:45 Sign-In/Snack

2:45- 3:00 Recreation

3:00- 4:00 Homework/Read to Self

4:00- 4:45 Enrichment Activity

4:45- 5:30 Enrichment Activity

5:30- 6:00 Clean-Up/Parent Pick-Up

Sample Schedule- Minimum Day

1:15- 2:00 Sign-In/Snack

2:00- 3:00 Recreation

3:00- 4:00 Homework/Read to Self

4:00- 4:45 Enrichment Activity

4:45- 5:30 Enrichment Activity

5:30- 6:00 Clean-Up/Parent Pick-Up