Title I Paraprofessional Requirements (Instructional Assistant; Special Education I & II)
These requirements apply to paraprofessionals who are employed at a Title I school, regardless of the paraprofessional funding (EC Section 45330, 20 U.S.C. Section 1112[c][6])
Title I paraprofessionals whose duties include instructional support must have:
High school diploma or the equivalent, and
Two years of college (48 units), or
A. A. degree (or higher), or
Pass a local assessment of knowledge and skills in assisting in instruction.
Oroville Adult Education is supporting your pathway to becoming an Instructional Paraprofessional at OCESD by offering CODESP test preparation/tutoring.
If you are interested, register by phone or in person (not online) on Wednesdays at Oroville Adult Education Main Campus at 2750 Mitchell Avenue Oroville, CA 95966, (530) 538-5350, Option 1 OR Thursdays the Oroville Adult Education Chico Campus at 3760 Morrow Lane #C, Chico, CA 95928, 530) 538-5350, Option 2.
Enrollment at Oroville Adult Education is free!