Badge Appointment Scheduler
Testing Exam Scheduler
Labor Relations
How long is my TB test valid?
TB tests are valid for 4 years (California Education Code Section 49406).
What happens if my TB test expires?
In order to work, employees must have a current test showing freedom from active TB on file with Human Resources. Employees who allow their test to lapse will use pn/vacation/illness leave until a current TB test showing freedom from active TB is submitted to the Human Resources Department.
Will the district cover the cost of my TB test?
Yes, contracted employees must provide Butte Schools Self-Funded Programs the Certificate of Completion form and Authorization for TB (both provided with the original notification letter) for billing Oroville City Elementary School District.
The employee may also have their personal physician administer the test, but the District will reimburse no more than $25.00 toward the cost of the test.
No, as a substitute the District does not contribute towards the cost of their TB test.
If a TB test result is not provided to the Human Resource office by your TB expiration date, you will be removed from our active substitute list. Please don’t wait you are valuable to the district!