OCESD is in the process of adopting history/social studies curriculum. Materials may be viewed at the District Office, 2795 Yard St., between 9 am - 3:30 pm until April 29, 2022. See informational flyer here: https://5il.co/182im
The agenda for the March 9, 2022, regular meeting of the Board of Trustees may be accessed here: http://go.boarddocs.com/ca/ocesd/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=CC5S3T6D9418
Join us for parent information night, "Suicide Awareness & Prevention." 3/8/22 at Central MS, 6pm, snacks & childcare provided. https://5il.co/16hyt
Please read these notifications regarding Department of Justice (DOJ) visits to OCESD and an opportunity for parents/guardians to meet with DOJ representatives.
Parent Letter (English): https://5il.co/16hfb
Parent Letter (Spanish): https://5il.co/16hfd
Parent Letter (Hmong): https://5il.co/16hfc
The agenda for the February 16, 2022, regular meeting of the Board of Trustees may be accessed here: http://go.boarddocs.com/ca/ocesd/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=CAYMYQ5CD624
Community Event: Explore Butte County Museums Free on Feb 26 and 27! www.explorebuttecounty.com/museum-weekend